Wow, what a year 2022 has been…
The market has come full circle over the course of this year. Rates increases, demand & pricing concerns, and yet here we are still holding stable.
You have been keeping in tune with the weekly emails, so you would already know that! Atlanta is one strong market. While many news outlets would like you to believe otherwise, you are intelligent and resourceful, you read past the headlines through to the real DATA.
I hope throughout this year I have provided you with an immense amount of value. After all, that is my ultimate goal. I plan to double down on that in 2023 and provide even more value to you. This will include two weekly blog updates on the current status of the market, insights into the buying or selling process, what too look out for when buying your next home, etc. Daily short form video updates on our social media pages, if you haven't already follow us on TikTok(@carson.hulak), instagram, and facebook(@carsonhulakrealtor).
This year we helped 13 families achieve their goals in real estate, closing over 6 million dollars in transaction volume. Next year our goal is to help twice the amount of families & double down on the amount of value we provide to each and every one of you.
I hope you had a wonderful 2022, I can bet that this next year will be even more prosperous for you! If there is anything in the world I can do for you, my cell is always available – (404) 680 0710.
Happy New Years! Have an action-packed (yet safe) time this evening.
Posted by Carson Hulak on
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