Are we returning to the long-term trend in the Atlanta market??

After months and months of hearing national media tell us its 08 all over again– what is really going on? You have heard me blabber for months & months about the coming stabilization of the Atlanta market– for both pricing & demand. Over the past 5-6 months or so, we have done just that. Some is interest rate related & some is related to seasonal demand historically being low for Q4/Q1. Now that the holidays are over, I will tell you firsthand– demand is coming back. Nothing like 2021 but it's coming. 

It is important to focus on the long-term goal with real estate. Find a solid property at fair market value, in a great area (one that is appreciating/growing), and ride out the wave. Let me show you why riding the long-term trend is more your friend then focusing on the day-to-day noise.

This chart shows the # of closed sales, going back to 2009
Months of inventory available since 2009
Finally, Median days homes are on the market before accepting an offer

Right now, I am seeing what these charts are showing. Demand & prices are seasonally cyclical again. However, unlike some markets, the demand for desirable areas here is not letting up. It is slowing back to a normal/mundane pace.

At the end of the day, there is no perfect time to buy/sell. Trying to time it perfectly will leave you waiting on the sideline. Realistically, it must to be a good time for you individually. The long-term trend is your friend. In the end, the experience & outcome of your decision will greatly be affected by who you work with. Choose a professional who has the data & experience to guide you through the shift. 

Posted by Carson Hulak on


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