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Mortgage Rates are on the rise, what does it mean for home prices?

There is a common rule of thumb that for every 1% or 100 basis points interest rates go up, there is a 10% headwind on real estate pricing. What I mean by a 10% headwind is, for your average home buyer, their buying power is going to go down by 10%. 1% does not sound like a lot but it makes a substantial difference in your buyers monthly payment. Maybe this will finally mean some stability in pricing power for sellers is soon to come, however a buyers dream of getting in when the market dips down might be met with a higher payment due to rate increases on the rise for the foreseeable future.

Looking for the hardest working agent in the Metro Atlanta area?

Call/ Text Carson Hulak 404-680-0710


I am always here to help you!


Carson Hulak

Hulak Realty Group

Virtual Properties Realty



Thank you for your valuable time today


As always, I really look forward to working with you now or down the road..



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